Lazos Negros
Lazos Negros
“Growing Old From High Tension”
.."ventures that do not approach the recipient's point, we must change the name of the sender on the envelope. Your adress. My adress. His adress. Repetition or emphasizing core and anteroom for balancing the diets in energy levels of prajna; sweet leaf teas"

Lazos Negros
“Fasten Field Of Productivity”
The indecipherable becomes discernible only when it can, touches or you leave it, the discernible becomes and is contracted as indescribable....

Lazos Negros
“Trying to say is equal to Trying To Live, In A Sense”
death. It's like if you wanted to "understand" the shadows only watching to the left over into a glass of red wine

Lazos Negros
Dream´s Without Fighter´s Real Existence
The difficulty of a dream is not fighting for him because there is no real fighter difficult of a dream is not living by itself

Lazos Negros
"Problems To Solve"
When you have a thousand things to solve, even mentally, you challenge destiny with the thought that you don't really exist, have a real time, have the time to properly die o cover the issues of your death

Lazos Negros
"One Point through Another"
you probably say to oneself: doesn´t seem as I dreamed it before? may be, yes, or may be not, exactly and probably it would be a phenomenon find it in a deep hole

Lazos Negros
“What´s was the real state she was given Star o Stela”
"So on in this material life, noise in the niger essence, poison scent at the mama house. But were o what is the mama house? The Houses of Common, or the Houses of the Commons Library. In the end, for many people it´s a lost place in the Obama lake, in the communist countries..."

Lazos Negros
Acerca De Una Felicidad Proyectada
"Todos parecemos pensar que aquello que pensamos que podría otorgarle la felicidad a otros es lo que pensamos que los hará felices, que hay algo superior a lo que somos para que esa persona continue su camino..."

Lazos Negros
Diálogo Y Tolerancia/Dialogue And Tolerance
Libertad condicional, de esa de la que se ufanan, manda en Europa y para Europa. Aunque unos dicen que al parlamento europeo habría que depilarlo, que no está hecho ni para tí ni para mí/Probation, that of which they boast, kicks in and for Europe. Although some say that the European Parliament should be plucking. That is not made for you or for me.

Lazos Negros
Las Caperuzas
En las profundidades, o en las superficialidades de los flirteos, de las artes de la seduccción, de los encuentros entre lo amoroso y lo juguetón, no todo es efímero./In the depths, or the superficialities of flirtations, the arts of seduccción, encounters between loving and with playful, not everything is ephemeral. Can be it a game, or a commitment to education [...]

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