Tu Cara Me Suena/Your face Has Some Resemblance To Me

Lo típico de pararse en un umbral de campo es encontrarse a alguien que no te ve desde hace mucho tiempo, o eso cree; sin embargo, tu cara les suena, te dicen que te conocen, o al menos intentan convencerte que te han reconocido, te preguntan el apellido; se quieren cerciorar; sí, ¡sí eres tú!; Pepe-tronquillo, el que siemrpe se apostaba en los troncos a echarse una fumarola, se acercan como a ver si tú los necesitas, como por debajito, imitando una rana saltarina que persigue un cuenco de leche, dejado ahi, por casualidad, por alguien que anduvo ordeñando una vaquilla, y para hacerte entender, que en realidad, tú vienes de otras latitudes, que a tí te ha ido bien. Se te puede ver. Que ellos no han salido del barrio, o del campus de hortalizas, que si tienes 1000 euros para el seguro de la huerta porque el año pasado vino un viento y se llevó el invernadero, que elos materiales reciclados, no dieron la talla, que tú vienes de donde se hacen los dólares, de dónde se pueden chupar las mejores hortalizas del mundo.
What it´s typicall to stand up in front at the threshold field is to find someone who says he does not see you for a long time, or so he thinks about your likeness, However they continue thinking that your face is familiar to them, they tell to you that they know you, or at least try to convince you that you have been recognized, so they ask your surname ; make sure of you, yea, yea, ¡Yes, you are! Pepe-log , who was stationed always upon trunks to throw a smoke, having a cigarrete, approaching carefully to you and see if you need then, in below, imitating a jumping Frog chasing a bowl of milk left there, by chance, for someone who was milking a cow, and to make you understand that in fact you are lucky because you have came from elsewhere, hence you have had a good time. It can be smelled, it can be seen. They cannot departed the neighborhood or the vegetables Campus, they try to ask for money -like who does´nt care- if you, for coincidence, have 1000 euros for have a safe Orchard because last year came a wind and the greenhouse that they have built with recycled materials, was not got the size, and got sadly down, they try to convince you that come from where are the dollars and therefore where one can sucks the best vegetable in the world.