Cabos Sueltos
Cabos Sueltos
"Breaking The Trap"
Always, you could take for granted the longer one has been tied to conditions and you encounter the possibility to break up the chains generate a state of relief.

Cabos Sueltos
"Dreamed Awake that You Dream Asleep
Meanwhile, from one side to another we aspire to make the proclamations about being free from ourselves, but at the same time, in the midst of a sacredness environment and vision to experiencing it, the set of contradictions and views we have in our background, make us sometime, blind, so we have to deal with other senses.

Cabos Sueltos
Cassiope hypnoides
mahasthamaprapta in his pouring and compassionate way to pouring inifinite light through incarnations, emanation and expression of Buddha´s enlightenment, recognition of discipline, vomplexion, trikayas, and a sustaintability atom

Cabos Sueltos
"Dejado Expreso"
Ya, que estar de un lado o de otro, en una situación u otra, modifica no sólo la percepción del cerebro sino el comportamiento subsecuente.

Cabos Sueltos
Sooner or Lighter?
As for kissing the anti-perfect time there is no reconciliation with him, anyhow have to be a Dionysian one - in this case- to them, and crushed curse for us, in this case, and in some other time, will be to whose from beyond, - neither of us- is and it would be needed to conjure the perfect time, and that is only possible in the anti material of immaterial what is only possible in a parallel lines on which we could be travel. "

Cabos Sueltos
“Canvas from Rang-tones”
On the four points of it were four framed photos which were standing on his own foot (frame). The two rear, one large and one smaller contained two personified images. One red, -extra- the other black. Going ahead, two Dharmapalas, in front of the image of the red was a female protector.